Cheng Tze Ning - Project Portfoliio Page


Personal Module Manager is a software that tracks the number of modular credits, modules taken and modules required for its user to graduate. The software is for NUS Students who want to plan their modules per semester in an easy way and it is optimized for those who want to type fast with CLI. It is written in Java.

Summary of Contributions

Code contributed

The following link is my code contribution.

Enhancements implemented

In this project, I contributed to the list of available modules, the command to search for modules, and the delete commands.

List of available modules

When the constructor of AvailableModulesList is being called, a list of modules are added into the list of modules are added to the static ModuleList.

Command to search for modules

The FindCommand helps users look up specific modules corresponding to any keywords inputted.

Command to delete module from semester

The DeleteFromSemCommand allows the user to delete a module from his module plan. The user just needs to input the module code or module name, and the semester it was allocated to.

Command to delete module from list of available modules

The DeleteFromAvailableCommand allows users to delete a module from the list of available modules. The module is deleted if the module is not a prerequisite of any other modules. If the module is in the module plan, it will be deleted from the module plan as well.

Contributions to documentation

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Contributions beyond the project team